2012年3月14日 星期三

"Black Gold" Politics - An Issue Not to be Lightly Dismissed學英文


"Black Gold" Politics - An Issue Not to be Lightly Dismissed

【明報專訊】THE truth about the Lau Fau Shan dinner has gradually surfaced. Judging by the accounts given by the Heung Yee Kuk members who sit on the Chief Executive Election Committee, Lew Mon-hung, and those in Leung Chun-ying's camp, it is unfounded to say that Leung's campaign staff were accompanied by a gangster when they met with the Heung Yee Kuk members. The Students' Union of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) was quite on the wrong track when they raised the following two questions: Is Leung going into "black gold" politics? Did Leung's campaign staff arrange the dinner to secure the Kuk members' support with the help of a Triad member?

But though Leung's campaign staff have cleared themselves of suspicion, the Lau Fau Shan dinner has caught public attention, labelled as it is as indicative of "black gold" politics. And the presence of Kwok Wing-hung, a gangster, on the occasion has brought to light his relations with Lew Mon-hung and the Heung Yee Kuk members, which should not be lightly passed over.

Kwok's Triad background has brought the Lau Fau Shan dinner under the cloud of "black gold" politics. While Leung's camp is now free from suspicion, Kwok's relations with the Heung Yee Kuk members and Lew remain obscure. As both the Kuk members and Lew hold public positions, they enjoy some political power and influence. This is something that those really concerned with Hong Kong's core values should try to look into.

While news about the Lau Fau Shan dinner was all over town, the Democratic Party approached the Independent Commission Against Corruption urging that investigations be carried out to determine whether Lew and Fanny Law Fan Chiu-fun, Leung's campaign director, had violated the Election Ordinance by engaging themselves in corrupt practices. Albert Ho Chun-yan, Chief Executive candidate and chairman of the Democratic Party, also expressed serious concern about "black gold" politics. And in a rare move that cost them several hundred thousand dollars, the HKU Students' Union placed a full-page announcement in eight newspapers, openly challenging Leung to clarify their suspicions about "black gold" politics. This attracted great publicity.

We would be happy to believe that the Democratic Party and the HKU Students' Union took a high-profile stance on the matter because they were genuinely worried that collusion between criminal elements and politicians would lead to "black gold" politics, which would be the ruin of Hong Kong. In this respect, the Democrats must not drop the issue now that Leung is free from suspicion, for the Lau Fau Shan dinner did have a "black gold" aspect that requires attention. If the Democrats and the HKU Students' Union do not press on with their demands for investigation, we can be excused for thinking that they were simply motivated by factional interests and an intent to influence the upcoming Chief Executive election. The Democrats in the Legislative Council should look into the Lau Fau Shan affair by invoking the Powers and Privileges Ordinance.

"Black gold" politics is not only a threat to a clean election, but, if infused into our governmental system, will lead to unimaginable corruption. In response to news about electoral malpractices, both Chief Secretary for Administration Stephen Lam Sui-lung and Electoral Affairs Commission chairman Barnabas Fung Wah have expressed their determination to keep Hong Kong's elections clean. We certainly hope that the authorities will eliminate the possible dangers of "black gold" politics, and build a solid foundation for a society that is fair, just and open.

明報社評 2012.03.14﹕黑金政治高高舉起 不應就此輕輕放下








surface﹕to become obvious after having been hidden for a while

pass over﹕to ignore or avoid something

factional﹕of or characterised by a small organised group (usually with a different or opposing stance) within a larger one

infuse﹕to give a particular quality; to have an effect on all parts of something

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