2008年9月28日 星期日

Time 訪問Hello Kitty 設計師


10 Questions for Yuko Yamaguchi

Thursday, Aug. 21, 2008

Hello Kitty designer Yuko Yamaguchi

Jun Takagi for TIME

Did you ever imagine that Hello Kitty would be big worldwide?
Maya Castro, Miami
No, not at all. When I started I didn't even know whether she would sell in Japan. I was told that Hello Kitty was only for children and that Westerners wouldn't carry her around.

Why doesn't Hello Kitty have a mouth?
Sandi Saksena, Dubai
It's so that people who look at her can project their own feelings onto her face, because she has an expressionless face. Kitty looks happy when people are happy. She looks sad when they are sad. For this psychological reason, we thought she shouldn't be tied to any emotion — and that's why she doesn't have a mouth.

Why is Hello Kitty from London and not somewhere in Japan?
Courtney Bower, Des Moines, Iowa
When Hello Kitty was created, many girls in Japan had read Alice in Wonderland and adored Britain. Also, there were other characters [created by my company Sanrio] who were supposed to have been born and raised in the U.S., so Kitty was born in London as a way of differentiating her.

How do you continue to be fresh without losing the essence of Hello Kitty?
Jo-Anne Sears, Yorktown, Va.
Trends are the key — what colors and what motifs are in. If roses are in fashion, then I think of rose designs. I have to be able to predict more or less what is coming.

Why do so many adults love Hello Kitty?
Sarah Dwider, Westfield, N.J.
People around the world often say that when they were children they couldn't afford Hello Kitty, so they started to buy her when they earned money as adults. It's not that they all of a sudden discovered Kitty.

Do you consider a global audience when you're designing?
Ignacio Meza, Los Angeles
In the past, I was designing only for Japanese fans. But lately I've been designing for Kitty fans in general. I don't think so much about where they come from as how delighted they'll be if I do such and such a design.

What's your favorite of all the designs you've done?
Abby Amberson, Madison, Wis.
The [1994-1996] Face series, which generated a real Kitty boom. Until then, Kitty was designed for children and I carried around Hello Kitty merchandise only as samples, because I was the designer. But I actually bought up to 20 pieces from the Face range — five for myself and the rest for my friends — because I knew that from then on nobody would be telling me that Hello Kitty was just for kids.

Is there an item that we will never see Hello Kitty on?
Dorothy Ho, Seattle
Knives. The knife-killing rampage in Tokyo in June made me feel even more certain that we are right about not producing knives.

What will Hello Kitty be doing in 10 years?
Catherine G. Pilie, Covington, La.
In 10 years' time, everybody around the world will know her. Also, the number of male and female fans will be the same. Men who are still reluctant to be seen with Kitty in public today might be wearing Hello Kitty boxers. But they will eventually stop being shy and will show off Kitty proudly.

What advice would you give to young artists?
Phil Fung, Miami
Be interested in different things and see and listen to everything. A person who does not have multiple interests is only drawing, not designing. They become somebody who just draws and gets stuck. To design, you need to be open to all kinds of information and ideas.

Read extra questions for Yuko Yamaguchi here.


What inspired you to work with Hello Kitty?Soyeun Yang in Superior, Colorado
Hello Kitty debuted in March 1975. From about 1978, she stopped selling well, the second designer left and just when I thought that the company would not be looking for a third one, the president said that Hello Kitty came to an existence as a symbol of friendship and therefore he could not allow her demise. I won the company's competition and became the third designer in January 1980.

When did Hello Kitty spread across the globe?Sonika in Edison in New Jersey
Nobody knew her in 1984 in the U.S. where I spent a year designing and people referred to Kitty just as a cat. In Japan it was in 1997 that the celebrities began to talk about her as being a cute character thus generating a boom. The same phenomenon occurred in the U.S. and later, from around 2002, in Europe.

What brought it from a simple character to the global icon it is today?Andy Walderman in Rockford, Illinois
I used to be told that Americans would never wear black. However, I think that the Americans have changed since Anna Sui featured black in her debut collection in NYC and received the plaudits for it. Anna Sui loves Hello Kitty and we have a similar taste. So I thought that if she were accepted in the U.S., so would be Kitty. Later, coincidentally Hello Kitty black handbags, rather than purple and pink, started to sell well in the States.

What drives you to create and design?Gabriela Labastida in Langley, Canada
I try to see everything. I look at what fashion houses do, read magazines, record films and TV programs, see everything with high ratings with my own eyes. In short, everything. Also, I am an ardent collector. It is a pretty scary hobby. The amount of money I spend on it can get out of hand. My recent favorites are vintage Blythe dolls and I have about 200.

As an artist and designer has there been any point in your career that you've wanted to try something new?Frederick Watson in Watertown, New York
I am doing what I want to do. I am not only drawing, but constantly wondering what would please fans most and whether I can do something new. When I did the 'Kabuki' series, I saw a lot of Kabuki plays. I had a dresser to show me the costumes and they are so heavy that I nearly tripped. I don't draw from an imagination, so I have to study.

How do you feel about the Hello Kitty imitations?Thomas Du in San Gabriel, California
Personally, I don't mind that much, but I am always wondering why they are doing it when everybody else can see that they are fakes and fans are not going to buy them. Kitty looks simple but she is not. She is very hard to imitate and I am sure that fans can spot it immediately.

Hello Kitty has been with her companion, Dear Daniel, for quite some time now. What does their future hold?Chien Tong in New York, New York
About 15 years ago, Japanese entertainers began to admit to their boyfriends and girlfriends, while before that it was a taboo because they were afraid of losing popularity. I didn't want to miss out on that, so we admitted that Daniel was her boyfriend. I don't know myself what I want to do with their future. (laughs) I am open to any suggestion. If everybody wants the two of them to have a baby, then they will have a baby. [Laughs.]

Is there any message that you would like to bring forth through Hello Kitty?Serena Yong in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
That through Kitty, which is a symbol of friendship we can all be friends. I want her to be a character that encourages people to become friends. Not rivals, but friends whose starting point for friendship is Hello Kitty. I want her to be a link between all people around the world.


3 則留言:

  1. 美美超人都是真人hello kitty la
    [版主回覆09/28/2008 20:46:00]你知就好!!

  2. 乜原來hello kitty 個設計師原來甘可愛架
    [版主回覆09/30/2008 09:52:00]對!

  3. 嘩!唔好搵d咁o野搞好喎!
    [版主回覆09/30/2008 09:53:00]估唔到呢?
